
We create Original, Unique and Beautiful Sculpture in Wood


WE recently ran a Crowdfunding project to help with our Solar Power system at our site , Heaven, in Suffolk.

Thanks to lots of kind and generous folks we raised around £1000 which was wonderful and contriibuted hugely towards getting a new inverter and getting the sytem up and running so we have off-grid lights and power once again!!

With Crowdfunder you can offer "Rewards" to contributors, and we said for all those contributing they would be entered here on this :


Solar Roll of the Angels of Heaven

Carole Brooks   Josi   Kim   Nick   Amanda Flood   Faig Griffin   RWShiels   Paulette Hill   Reg   GaryAlex   Peter Brooke   Sheila Walker   Bee   Polly   Linda   Maid

Evie Prince   Dave Thomas   Ricky    Graeme Malone   Derek Ladkin    Helene Wreathall   Barney   Audrey Longhurst   Jen  Steve Goddard

Thank you all so much - may the blessings of Heaven be upon you